Supongo que he tardado bastante en reunir esta serie, pero creo que merece la pena imprimirlas y disfrutarlas en papel, aunque sólo sea por unos días. La exposición será del 7 de julio al 16 de agosto, en el mismo sitio que las anteriores, al fin y al cabo una biblioteca es un lugar muy apropiado para exponer fotos de gente leyendo.
I´m really happy to announce that the Serenity series already has comitted dates for an exhibition!. As mentioned a couple of times, I was by no means in a hurry to have this done. In fact, by next Summer the series will have been over seven years in the making, although most of the time I was not even aware of it myself. But I thought it was about time to print some of these lovely photos. If nothing else, it will be a good excuse to take some more photos between now and next Summer. The dates are from July 7th to August 16th, same place as before here in Berlin.