Friday, 18 December 2009

Is this photo worth 10 euros?

Well, that´s what I paid for it. Or actually what I paid for being able to take it...

Two weeks ago my daughter was invited to a birthday party and, while I was waiting for her until the pick up time, I went for a walk. I found this fire station in a side street of Kastanienallee. And I thought, pity I do not have my camera with me!

But, you see, on the following weekend my daughter was invited to yet another birthday party not too far away. So this time I brought all my gear and after leaving her at her friend´s, I headed for this location. The fact that it was snowing for the first time this winter did not deter me, nor the 20 minute walk in the chilly conditions. And as a bonus, I was going to make it at the blue hour, timing could not have been any better. So I got in position, set my tripod and camera and clicked. And what do I get? A no CF card message!! I had forgotten my memory card at home. An the same for the back up card. Go tell my frozen fingers all of this was for nothing...

So I figured out that somewhere in Prenzlauerberg, there must be a place where you can buy a CF card. As it happens, the first two stores I tried did have memory cards, just the wrong type for me (why can not 400D´s use plain SD cards like everyone else??). So I got further and further away and by the time I found the card, the question was, is it worth going back again? The blue hour was gone, I was pretty tired and cold by then, and, what the hell, it is just a photo and I am not a pro. But then, I wanted to take this photo.

So as you can imagine, I paid ten euros for the cheapest card I could find (2GB no name card, if you want the details) and headed back to the fire station. This time in somewhat of a hurry, as the time to pick up my daughter was drawing nearer. The good news is that I got to walk for two hours, which I don´t do often enough these days, killing most of the waiting time that way. The bad news is that I do not need an extra card.

So, never mind this photo (although I would like to hear your comments for a change if you made it this far in this rant), the photos I took later at the birthday party of my daughter dancing with a flamenco skirt were simply priceless, rephrasing a famous ad campaign of, ironically, another type of card.


Los viajes que no hice said...

Odio que hables tan bien en inglés.
A mí me gusta mucho la foto.

Cuando tenga mi calibrador de colores, te la criticaré más. Pero eso será en Reyes.

Pobres deditos, de todos modos...

Lo diré en ingés: poor little fingers. (¿Lo he dicho bien? ¿debería haber puesto "little poor fingers"?). Dios. El año que viene me apunto a la Escuela de Idiomas...

JC said...

poor little fingers está bien.

Así que un calibrador de color? Cuál? No es mejor alquilarlos?

Los viajes que no hice said...

¿Alquilarlos? ¿Ande?

Ande, ande, ande, la marimorena...

Cuesta menos de 100 euros pero me lo van a traer los Reyes. Espero...

Los viajes que no hice said...

Ah, he cogido el más baratito, hijo: un Pantone no sé qué, para que no se les vaya mucho de presupuesto. Total, para lo que lo quiero yo, que no voy a exponer ni nada, tampoco necesito uno hiperexacto...

... said...

Perfect, I really love this picture, the others are good too, but, I don't know why this is so beautiful for me, it's just perfect!

JC said...


I like the comment that the others are good too!

Alicia said...

La foto es muy bonita. Me encanta la simetria. Guarda la tarjeta de las narices en el coche por si te pasa otra vez!