Saturday 28 April 2012

Looking for the photo

Some people have the amazing skill to take good photos wherever they go (gear plays no role here, photos are made by photographers, not by the cameras). And it is not extraordinary and elaborate settings, the trick is doing this with simple things. I need to work on that skill, looking at ordinary things and extracting the composition that tells a story.

This is the drying room of a building in Leipzig. I had seen it a few years ago and always thought it could be a good place for a photo, but I did not know how to take the photo. I  don´t know how to take the photo yet but at least the higher dynamic range allows me to play with the light and the shadows...


SuperWoman said...

Me acabas de dar una leccion de humildad y paciencia, amigo. Hoy pensaba, despues de ver tanto bodegon en tono pastel en La vuelta al mundo en retirarme. Mi vida es caos y desorden. Pero es la que es. Voy a mirarla con otros ojos y a ver que sale.
Un supersaludo

JC said...

??Mande?? Estoy yo como para dar lecciones de nada.

Quiere decir que la foto funciona? O es el texto?