Saturday, 10 April 2010

Fotos, die jeder machen kann

Fotos antes de ser colgadas. Creo que debí establecer un nuevo récord del mundo enmarcando fotos, porque tenía mucha prisa por volver a casa y no tuve tiempo de nada. A ver si un día me acerco para hacer una foto de las fotos colgadas. También noté que algunos de los títulos estaban caídos, así que tengo que inventar algo para recolocarlos.

These are the photos before they were hung on the walls. I was in a rush to get back home because of family matters, so I hardly had any time for photos or anything which was not putting them into the frames as quickly as possible. Some of the texts which go with the photos seem not to hold in place, so I will have to come back at some point and try to fix it. Maybe I will take the opportunity to take a couple of photos then.

Any ideas what to do with the photos after mid May?