Saturday 30 January 2010

Searching the web

I noticed that traffic has (modestly) increased in my blog as of lately, with quite a few visitors coming from the USA these days. I have no idea why. Nor how. I guess that I have been linked by somebody somewhere? Or people are searching the web for something and they stumbled upon this page?

By the way, the photo was taken in Windsor last Autumn.


Los viajes que no hice said...

Pero yo no soy de USA.
Ni sé cómo aparecen aquí.
Aunque es bonito.
Y me gusta tu tela de araña...

Kety said...

Tu foto me ha inspirado un cuentecillo.

Alicia said...

Muy bonita la foto. Esta cubierta de rocio?

JC said...

pues no, era lluvia, que para eso era Inglaterra :-)